Improving Sales Calls with Dany, the AI Sales Agent

(Private demo for 360Builders)

This page provides a comparison between an original sales call and how Dany, our AI Sales Agent, would handle the same call. The objective is to highlight the best practices and how they can significantly improve the outcome of sales conversations.

Original Call with Shortcomings

Brief Analysis: The original call, though polite and professional, left out a few sales best practices which may have improved the effectiveness of conversation. Those points include rapport building, identifying needs, presenting the solution, overcoming objections, closing, and follow-up.

Original Sales Call
Original Sales Call

Improved Call by Dany

Brief Analysis: With Dany’s call, we saw marked improvements in various components of the call. Dany established rapport right at the start, probed for the lead’s specific needs, gracefully handled potential scheduling objections, asserted a specific time for the consultation, and ended the call in a way that confirmed next steps and thanked the lead for their time.

Improved Sales Call
Dany's Sales Call